Stack Emission Monitoring & Testing
Our MCERTS certified staff pride themselves on ensuring that your emission monitoring testing is always
carried ut to the highest standard
Why Carry Out Stack Emission Monitoring ?
Stack emission monitoring can be required for a number of reasons. These include:
- Compliance with Local Authority and Environment Agency Permits.
- Compliance with the Waste Incineration Directive (WID) and Large Combustion Plant Directive.
- Calibration of continuous monitoring equipment.
- Proving the performance of abatement systems.
Why choose Synergy for Stack Emission Monitoring ?
Our MCERTS Level 2 staff have undertaken stack emission monitoring from a very wide range of processes since the introduction of the Environmental Protection Act in 1990. Our stack testing service can measure the release of all of the major pollutants, including: particulates, volatile organic compounds, acid gases, combustion gases, Metals, dioxins and furans. Follow the link to the UKAS website to see our Scope.